Nausicaa: Details that Recur

Some details worth remembering from the episode — they will appear again later:

Cissy Caffrey (13:12 etc.)
Edy Boardman (13:13 etc.)
lieutenant Mulvey (13:889)
the mantelpiece clock that says Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo (13:1289-1306)

Some details in this episode that have appeared earlier:

grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen (13:232-33; see 12:119-20 and 12:704-55)
M'Coy (13:788; see 5:82, 10:487)
Felt for the curves inside her deshabille. (13:796; see 10:611-12)
O, Mairy lost the pin of her. (13:803; see 5:281)
Mary, Martha. (13:805-6; see 5:289)
To aid gentleman in literary (13:835; see 8:326-27)
Bold hand: Mrs Marion. (13:843; see 4:244-45)
Chap in the Burton today. (13:876; see 8:653-67)
After Glencree dinner that was (13:891; see 10:536 etc.)
Those girls, those girls, those lovely seaside girls. (13:906 and 942; see 4:437-43)
Mullingar. . . . Young student. (13:927-28; see 4:250 and 406)
that frump today. A.E. Rumpled stockings. (13:930-31; see 8:523-48)
Beef to the heel. (13:931-32; see 4:403)
Mrs Beaufoy, Purefoy (13:959; see 4:502-3, 8:276-77, and ahead in episode 14)
Lemons it is. Ah no, that's the soap. (13:1042-43; see 5:5091-8, 6:494-96)
fellow today at the graveside in the brown Macintosh (13:061-62; see 6:805 and 891-98, 10:1271-72, 12:1497-98)
Howth (13:1097-1110; see 8:897-916)
Care of P.O. Dolphin's Barn. Are you not happy in your? Naughty darling. (13:1105-8; see 5:241-56, 11:897-900)
Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home. (13:1110-11; see 9:1041-46)
Metempsychosis. (13:1118; see 4:336-43)
Gabriel Conroy's brother (13:1126; see "The Dead")
Mirus Bazaar (13:1166-67; see 8:1162-63, 10:1268-69)
Gold Cup (13:1174-75; see 5:532, 7:388, 8:814, 8:1008, 12:1217)
Dearest Papli (13:1198; see 4:397)
U.p.: up. (13:1239; see 8:277-78, 12:258, 12:1031)
Dreamt last night? (13:1240-41; see 3:365-69)
Almost every phrase in 13:1279-85 has appeared before.

See also Characters in Dubliners who reappear in Ulysses and Characters in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man who reappear in Ulysses.